Arugam Bay

We are at home on the east coast of Sri Lanka.
Here the products are manufactured. And this is where the recycled materials are collected.
We ourselves are sitting in Komari, a narrow land bridge bordered by the Indian Ocean in the east and the Komari Lagoon in the west. About 20 km south of here is Arugam Bay. In contrast to Kumari there are also some vacation guests there. Not only surfers get their money’s worth – Arugam Bay is located in the immediate vicinity of the most important and largest national parks of Sri Lanka. The Yala National Park, the Lahugala National Park and the Kumana National Park are all within an hour’s reach. In addition, there are countless temples and caves up to 2000 years old, which testify to the cultural and historical importance of this area. So it is not surprising that the emergence of plastic and thus our self-chosen mission to collect plastic is particularly large here.
What we do not process ends up in the sea, is burned in the open air or, in the best case, goes to a landfill. To prevent this from happening in the first place, we have set up containers in Arugam Bay and other places on the coast where people can dispose of their plastic bottles. Restaurants and hotels also collect bottles for us, which we pick up and recycle.
Recycling creates employment WLAB-Station: Plastic collection station and drinking water treatment Here the beach can also lead to the school Surfing: not only popular with tourists Nice and colorful are the fishing boats here And again and again: Ocean Plastic … and beverage cans Main street of Arugam Bay The first choice of transportation: Threewheeler Logical: You can find them in many places in the city as well. Surfers Paradise. Numerous stores offer boards. Rent one and off you go. Our shop in Arugam Bay The east coast, popular with backpackers Often to discover. Great painted houses and huts We had to show this hut